What to do when your plants arrive

Welcoming Your Green Companions: A Guide to Caring for Your New Plants

Congratulations on bringing home your new botanical companions from Prince of Philo! As you open the door to a world of lush greenery, here's a guide to help you give your plants the warm welcome they deserve and set them up for a thriving life in your space.

At Prince of Philo, our commitment to providing you with exceptional plants and products comes with a dose of reality about the nature of living plants and how they respond to shipping and changes in environment.

1. Some Damage is to be Expected: Despite our meticulous efforts to pack and ship your plants with care, certain external factors and the unique attributes of individual plants can result in minor damage during transit. We kindly ask for your understanding in recognizing that some slight damage may occur.

2. Plants with Unique Characteristics: Just as people have their own distinct characteristics, plants possess their own traits and preferences. Some plants may exhibit signs of stress, like wilting or minor leaf loss, when they're shipped or moved. This is a natural response as they adapt to their new surroundings. If you notice this, we recommend avoiding immediate actions such as repotting, fertilizing, or overwatering if the soil is already damp. These steps could potentially exacerbate the situation. Instead, allow the plant time to adjust and recover naturally. Most plants rebound with time and proper care.

3. Our Pledge: At Prince of Philo, we're dedicated to your satisfaction and the health of your plants. Should you ever have questions about the condition of your plant upon delivery or need guidance on caring for a plant that appears stressed, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you cultivate a thriving indoor garden with patience and understanding.

By appreciating the individuality of each plant and offering patient care, you're fostering an environment where nature's beauty can flourish. Thank you for choosing Prince of Philo Plants as your partner in this journey of growth and exploration.

1. Unboxing Delight: Gently unwrap your plants, taking care not to damage any leaves or stems. Be patient—it's like unwrapping a gift from nature!

2. Location, Location, Location: Find the perfect spot for each plant. Consider its light requirements—whether it's bright, indirect, or low light—and its humidity preferences. Don't forget to factor in your room's overall ambiance and temperature.

3. The Right Container: Ensure that your plant is in a suitable container with proper drainage. If necessary, repot your new green friend into a slightly larger pot with well-draining soil.

4. Gentle Watering: Start by giving your plant a thorough but gentle watering. Remember, overwatering can be as harmful as underwatering. Check the specific watering needs of each plant variety.

5. Introduce Your Plant: Give your plant a moment to acclimate to its new environment. You can mist the leaves to provide some humidity or place a humidity tray nearby.

6. Trim and Prune: Inspect your plant for any damaged or yellowing leaves. Gently prune away any unhealthy growth to encourage fresh, vibrant leaves to flourish.

7. Observe and Learn: Take time to observe your plants over the next few days. Are they responding positively to their new home? Are there any signs of stress or unhappiness?

8. Pacing with Fertilizer: Hold off on fertilizing for the first few weeks. Your plant needs time to adjust to its new surroundings before you introduce nutrients.

9. Consistent Care Routine: Create a care routine that aligns with your plant's specific needs. Consistency is key, whether it's watering, misting, or rotating the plant to ensure even growth.

10. Don't Overlove: It's natural to want to shower your plants with attention, but remember that some plants prefer to be left alone. Avoid excessive handling, and allow your plant to settle in peacefully.

11. Curate a Plant Haven: As your plant collection grows, create an environment where they thrive together. Grouping plants with similar needs can make care easier and add to the visual appeal.

12. Listen to Your Plants: Lastly, trust your intuition. Plants often communicate their needs through their appearance. Wilting leaves might indicate thirst, while leaves turning pale might mean they're receiving too much light.

Remember, plants are living beings that respond to care and attention. By nurturing them with love, patience, and a little know-how, you'll create a flourishing indoor garden that brings life, beauty, and tranquility to your space. Happy growing!